Play is fundamental to every child’s learning and development.

We believe this so much that we made it our name.

Welcome to PLAY Childcare + Kinder

PLAY Childcare & Kinder at Bayswater offers families a holistic and nature-based childcare experience that cherishes the precious time that is the early years.

Owned and operated by three families (with nine children between them) PLAY sits atop the Mountain High Shopping Centre and provides a natural and open-air haven in the heart of Bayswater.

We live our values every day.

  • We take play seriously. We seek out fun and cherish the effervescent joy of childhood. We gently guide children to become confident, capable, curious and happy.

  • We look after one another and offer support when it’s needed. We welcome and celebrate every family with open arms and share the ups and downs together. We’ll always invest in our team, centre, and programming to provide the very best.

  • We’re honest, genuine, and transparent. We own our mistakes and learn from them. When we say we’ll do something, we do it.

  • We keep things simple. We communicate clearly and are open about our intentions and expectations. We remain singularly focused on meeting the needs of our children and families.

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